Northrop Grumman Italia attended the Inertial Sensor and System Gyro Symposium 2023 edition

Important and significant successes by Northrop Grumman Italia in the development of new ITAR FREE inertial sensors and new navigation algorithms were illustrated last 24 and 25 October 2023  in the the annual Gyro Symposium held in Germany at the University of Braunschweig .

Northrop Grumman Italia contributed to this important event with the presentation of two activities carried out in collaboration with main Italian and international research agencies :

Preliminary assessment of the new routes towards a navigation-grade photonic chip-scale gyroscope ” – Project presented in collaboration  with  Politecnico di Bari

First results and lessons learned during setup of a DO384 compliant Monte-Carlo Simulation for integrity monitoring validation  – Project presented in collaboration  with  Braunschweig University  Germany