The most scalable AHRS family on the avionics market.
Based on the LISA-200 AHRS hardware and software design to with ITAR FREE Technology , providing the same revolutionary retrofit approach and performances retrofit approach and performances.
The most scalable AHRS family on the avionics market.
Based on the LISA-200 AHRS hardware and software design to with ITAR FREE Technology , providing the same revolutionary retrofit approach and performances retrofit approach and performances.
The most scalable AHRS family on the avionics market.
Based on the LISA-200 AHRS hardware and software design to with ITAR FREE Technology , providing the same revolutionary retrofit approach and performances retrofit approach and performances.
The LISA-200 AHRS, is a lightweight Fiber Optic Gyroscope Attitude Heading Reference System (FOG AHRS) based on state-of-art Northrop Grumman LN-200 Inertial Measurement Unit.
The LISA-200 AHRS, is a lightweight Fiber Optic Gyroscope Attitude Heading Reference System (FOG AHRS) based on state-of-art Northrop Grumman LN-200 Inertial Measurement Unit.
The NAVEX-GL ITAR-free navigation system fully meets the needs of operational troops deployed both in well-known areas and in hostile or unknown battlefields.
The NAVEX-GL ITAR-free navigation system fully meets the needs of operational troops deployed both in well-known areas and in hostile or unknown battlefields.
NAVEX-GA is an ITAR Free system based on Northrop Grumman Italia’s MESM IMU, and with navigation software derived from NG Italia’s heritage of multiple installations, NAVEX-GA ensures an accurate and affordable navigation system for installation on tactical and target UAVs and light helicopters.
NAVEX-GA is an ITAR Free system based on Northrop Grumman Italia’s MESM IMU, and with navigation software derived from NG Italia’s heritage of multiple installations, NAVEX-GA ensures an accurate and affordable navigation system for installation on tactical and target UAVs and light helicopters.
Medium-precision navigation solutions for military platforms are the basis of Northrop Grumman Italia’s commercial and technological success.
Specializing in Attitude Reference Systems (AHRS) and taking full advantage of state-of-the-art technology, Northrop Grumman Italia has delivered thousands of AHRS, which currently equip several fixed- and rotary-wing fleets worldwide. AHRS solutions are available with a wide range of different sensors for any customer in the world: LISA 200, based on the world-renowned FOG LN-200 sensor, NAVEX, based on ITAR-free or MEMS sensors for low-precision applications. AHRS solutions are designed to provide the operator with navigation data, fully integrated with FCS, autopilot or radar functions and to ensure ease of installation on new and existing platforms for future and retrofit programs with the highest certification standards (DO 178B Level A) and lowest life cycle costs. The scalable modular configuration allows flexibility of installation on a wide range of platforms, full interoperability with existing on-board systems through analogue and digital interfaces, and integration of customer-specific requirements.
AHRS solutions are designed to provide the operator with navigation data, fully integrated with FCS (Flight Control System), autopilot or radar functions and to ensure ease of installation on new and existing platforms for future and retrofit programs with the highest certification standards (DO 178B Level A) and lowest life cycle costs.
The scalable modular configuration allows flexibility of installation on a wide range of platforms, full interoperability with existing on-board systems through analogue and digital interfaces, and integration of customer-specific requirements.